Season 11, Season 11 finals

Schizophrenia strikes American Idol again


Sometimes, American Idol drives me crazy.

At its best — and Idol was at its best for much of Season 10 — the show is highly entertaining.

But I swear, it’s as though the producers were cartoon characters with pitchfork-armed devils sitting on their shoulders.

Every once in a while, those devils poke producers in the neck with those pitchforks, prodding them off course, prompting them to do something perplexing.

The secret to Season 10, we’ve been told over and over, was a diverse cast and broad themes.

Expect more of the same in Season 11, we’ve been told.  Finalists perform best when allowed to do what they do best.

So on opening night of the Season 11 finals, all the guys will sing songs from Stevie Wonder.

And all the gals will sing the songs of Whitney Houston.

A broad theme?

Only if the alternative is having everyone sing Whitney or everyone sing Stevie.

The Season 11 cast shows tons of potential.  It might even be as diverse as the one from Season 10.

But one could reasonably ask what good diversity does the show if everyone has to sing the same music.

And perhaps my aging memory is failing me.

But I could have sworn that in the past Idol judges have cautioned female singers against tackling the divas — Mariah, Celine and Whitney — because they’re so likely to come off poorly in comparison.

So now, on the opening night of the finals, on the first night they’ll go head-to-head with the guys, already facing a huge disadvantage based on recent Idol history, the ladies are forced to sing Whitney Houston.

Perplexing might be the kindest word for that decision.

So, if you were hoping to hear current music Wednesday night, perhaps a few more Edges of Glory … too bad.

If you’re tired of hearing Whitney Houston songs since her passing … too bad.

And if you think Stevie Wonder has been overdone on Idol … too bad.

On the bright side, no one will be singing Adele.

Welcome to American Idol, the most schizophrenic hit show on TV.






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