The Voice

Shane Q steals a save on The Voice


Shane Q reacts to winning the instant save over Myracle Holloway on The Voice Season 17. (NBC Photo)

Shane Q reacts to winning the instant save over Myracle Holloway on The Voice Season 17. (NBC Photo)

Add Myracle Holloway to the list of under-appreciated female R&B singers on The Voice.

It’s a long list that includes the likes of Amanda Brown, Sisaundra Lewis, Sandy Redd, Beth Griffith Manley … I could go on and on.

Myracle joins it because she should have been saved at the end of Tuesday’s results show.

In a landslide.

In fact, based on Monday’s performance, she never should have been in jeopardy in the first place.

Instead, the instant save at the end of the show went to Shane Q, who — to his credit — stepped up his game at the end of Tuesday’s show after sounding nothing like a four-chair turn in his last couple of performance.

Still, this should not have been close.

But it was, and Shane Q was winning the instant save voting 53 percent to 47 when The Voice took down the results graphic.

He eventually won that save, meaning he’ll join the Top 10 next week when they sing for spots in the Season 17 semifinals.

Here’s how I graded the save performances.

Shane Q (Team Kelly): He sang “Jealoous” and it was a great fit for his voice, allowing him to show off the richness in his tone. He started brilliantly, wavered a bit, but all in all turned in his best vocal in weeks. He’s also doing a much better job of connecting with the audience, even if I was hoping for a bit more of an emotional ending rather than a singer who just seemed like he was glad the performance came to an end with a quick “thank you.” Grade: B

Myracle Holloway (Team Gwen): She opted t sing “You Are So Beautiful.” And this was probably Myracle’s best vocal of the competition. A superb vocal, with several little wrinkles that made this so much more than just a standard cover. The ending in particular was outstanding. Put in a pressure situation, Myracle was in control from the first note to the last. Grade: A–

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