The Voice

Sofronio Vasquez’s victory on The Voice in photos

Sofronio Vasquez awaits results on The Voice season finale Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez awaits results on The Voice season finale Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)


Sofronio Vasquez, the 32-year-old from the Philippines, was named winner of Season 26 of The Voice Tuesday night.

Sofronio now lives in Utica, N.Y., and prevailed in The Voice finals over Team Michael Buble teammate Shye, Team Reba’s Danny Joseph, Team Snoop’s Jeremy Beloate and Team Gwen’s Sydney Sterlace.

All five finalists had turned four chairs during their blind auditions on The Voice.

See also …
Sofronio Vasquez wins The Voice
A look back at Sofronio’s Voice performances
Song by song grades for the Top 5 on The Voice
Meet Sofronio Vasquez

The Top 5 of Jeremy Beloate, Danny Joseph, Sydney Sterlace, Shye and Sofronio Vasquez await results on The Voice. (NBC Photo

The Top 5 of Jeremy Beloate, Danny Joseph, Sydney Sterlace, Shye and Sofronio Vasquez await results on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez (right) with the other two members of the Top 3, Sydney Sterlace and Shye. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez (right) with the other two members of the Top 3, Sydney Sterlace and Shye. (NBC Photo)

Team Michael Buble teammates Shye and Sofronio Vasquez wait to learn who will win The Voice Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)

Team Michael Buble teammates Shye and Sofronio Vasquez wait to learn who will win The Voice Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez reacts to winning The Voice Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez reacts to winning The Voice Tuesday night. (NBC Photo)

NBC Sofranio Vasquez is congratulated by cast members as confetti rains down following his victory on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

NBC Sofranio Vasquez is congratulated by cast members as confetti rains down following his victory on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez receives congratulations from coach Michael Buble following his victory on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez receives congratulations from coach Michael Buble following his victory on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

 Sofronio Vasquez raises his trophy in triumph after being named winner of The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez raises his trophy in triumph after being named winner of The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez performs with the rest of the Top 8 in the opening number of Tuesday's seaosn finale on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez performs with the rest of the Top 8 in the opening number of Tuesday’s season finale on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez during his interview segment with coach Michael Buble during Tuesday's The Voice finale. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez during his interview segment with coach Michael Buble during Tuesday’s The Voice finale. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez and Michael Buble perform their artist-coach duet on The Voice season finale Tuesday. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez and Michael Buble perform their artist-coach duet on The Voice season finale Tuesday. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez with Michael Buble at the conclusion of their duet Tuesday night on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez with Michael Buble at the conclusion of their duet Tuesday night on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez talks to Carson Daly about The Voice experience during Monday's episode. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez talks to Carson Daly about The Voice experience during Monday’s episode. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez performs 'Unstoppable' on Monday night's episode of The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez performs ‘Unstoppable’ on Monday night’s episode of The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez listening to the coaches' feedback following his performance of 'Unstoppable' on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez listening to the coaches’ feedback following his performance of ‘Unstoppable’ on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez performs 'A Million Dreams' Monday night on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez performs ‘A Million Dreams’ Monday night on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez listens to the judges feeback following his performance of 'A Million Dreams' on The Voice Monday night. (NBC Photo)

Sofronio Vasquez listens to the judges feeback following his performance of ‘A Million Dreams’ on The Voice Monday night. (NBC Photo)

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