The Voice

Tayler Green talks about a battle round match we missed on The Voice

Tayler Green and Jules perform during the battle round on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)

Tayler Green and Jules perform during the battle round on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)


Tayler Green advanced on The Voice Monday night, but viewers at home didn’t get to watch her performance.

Tayler’s battle round match with Team Kelly Clarkson colleague Jules was montaged, meaning fans got to see just a few seconds of it.

Kelly had them perform “Water Under the Bridge” by Adele. She opted to advance Tayler due to her belief that the 27-year-old from Franklin, N.J., is best prepared to navigate the show. Jules was eliminated.

Here’s what Tayler told Voice Views about her battle round experience.

Voice Views: Since we didn’t get to see the battle on TV, can you tell fans about what they missed and what type of feedback you got?

Tayler: Jules and I put on a stellar performance of water under the bridge. We discussed our experience of breakups before the show and put our energy into the performance.

Voice Views: What do you think was the key to your success in the battle round?

Tayler: The key was focus and connection.

Voice Views: How did the song choice work for you? Did it pose any special challenges?

Tayler: I am a huge Adele fan and connecting to this song was so easy for me. I’m a lover, and I believe in love so much, so the words “if your gonna let me down, let me down gently “ are so beautiful.

There are always challenges when you’re in a competition, but you are working with someone who you are competing against. Me and Jules became friends, so I guess that was the biggest challenge. I did not want to see her go home.

Voice Views: Anything else you’d like to add about the battle round experience?

Tayler: I wish you could have saw it and I’m glad you will see me in knockouts.

Voice Views: And, obviously, you can’t talk about song choice, but is there a side of your artistry you haven’t gotten to display yet that you hope to in coming rounds?

Tayler: I’m very excited to showcase this next song. Out of all the songs on the show I connect most with this song. This song allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and I’m super excited to share that with you.

See also …
Meet Tayler Green and learn about the music she’s released
Tayler Green talks about her blind audition on The Voice

Jules and Tayler Green listen to the coaches' feedback following their battle round match on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Jules and Tayler Green listen to the coaches’ feedback following their battle round match on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

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