After The Voice

Tony Lucca collaborated with fans for his latest album


Tony Lucca has released a new album of songs inspired by his fans.

Tony Lucca has released a new album of songs inspired by his fans.

Tony Lucca is back with a new album, and this one is definitely unique.

“Made to Shine — The Kickstarter Sessions” hit iTunes Friday. The album consists of nine songs inspired or commissioned by donors to a highly successful Kickstarter campaign Tony launched in 2014.

That campaign raised more than $54,000 and already helped finance Tony’s eighth album, released in January.

Now comes this bonus album, featuring a wide array of music, from a rocker called “Colorado” to a lovely ballad called “Quite Like You” to the playful “Love You a Ton” (“I love you more than … / all the wrinkles on Keith Richard’s face”).

“These are the songs that I wrote for (and with) nine of my Kickstarter backers,” Tony said. “These folks shared some rather emotional details of their lives and experiences and entrusted me with putting them to song.

“The result was far greater than anything I ever would have imagined. This record turned out amazing and I am so proud of the brave souls who opened their hearts to me and in so doing, inspired me in ways I’ve only imagined before.”

The first track on the album is “Angel of Mercy” and was written with the help of Nathan Boucher, a fan from Dallas, Texas, who wanted a song to dedicate to his fiance and had lots of lyrical things to say about the woman in his life. You can listen to the song and hear the story behind it here.

Tony also just released the video for the album track “Mother’s Loving Heart,” inspired by Raymond Esposito, who wanted a song to dedicate to his wife when she became pregnant with their second child.

“Raymond thought it would be cool to have a custom song written to celebrate not just getting pregnant, but to celebrate mothers in general and just how amazing an adventure it is to embark upon as parents, together,” Tony writes on Facebook.

the video, Tony asked family members and friends to submit photos that would fit the theme of the song.

“What I received far surpassed my humble request,” Tony says. “I’ll just go ahead and say that I cried more than a couple times putting together these beautiful pictures.”

Tony, of course, finished third on Season 2 of The Voice and released an EP (“With the Whole World Watching”) in 2013 on Adam Levine’s record label. This year’s albums are his first since.

You can keep up with Tony on Facebook and his website. On Twitter, he’s @luccadoes.

See also
Other albums and EPs released in 2015 by artists featured on The Voice.
Singles released in 2015 by artists featured on The Voice.

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