Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban, Season 13

Why bringing back Keith Urban makes sense for Idol


Well, it looks like Keith Urban is the lone survivor of the semi-disaster that was American Idol Season 12.

FOX chairman Kevin Reilly on Thursday confirmed that the country music star will be returning to the show as a judge for Season 13.

Keith Urban is returning to American Idol for Season 13. (FOX Photo)

Keith Urban is returning to American Idol for Season 13. (FOX Photo)

Keeping Keith on makes sense.

With the rest of the panel in flux, Keith offers a constant, assurance that one spot on the judges’ panel is rock steady.

And steady is the perfect description for his performance during his first year on the panel.

He wasn’t nearly as charismatic as Nicki Minaj. Sometimes, he seemed to toe the company line even when performances on stage weren’t matching the company line (insert Amber Holcomb’s name here).

But he wasn’t a cliche machine like Randy Jackson. He didn’t spout gibberish like Mariah. And he was often more on point than Nicki, because you never quite knew whether she was going to judge music or shoes.

Most of all, Keith seemed earnest in his judging — truly engaged in what was happening on stage.

Of course, you’d think that would be a given for an Idol judge. Generally it was. Until Steven Tyler came along and liked something like 300 straight performances.

So, welcome back Keith Urban.

Jennifer Lopez is reportedly in talks to return to American Idol. (AP Photo)

Jennifer Lopez is reportedly in talks to return to American Idol. (AP Photo)

I’m far less enthused about the rumors that Jennifer Lopez might be returning to join him on the judging panel.

For a show looking to re-establish itself as must-see TV, returning to the days of J-Lo seems … well, simply stupid.

Jennifer had two years to prove herself as an Idol judge. She got goosebumps a lot. She danced quite provocatively around Marc Anthony in the Season 10 finale.

Most of all, she did a great job of promoting herself. Idol pretty much revived her career.

As for her judging … it was truly unmemorable.

The show would seem much better off surrounding Keith with intriguing new judges that would lure viewers back, with hopes that they’d then get hooked on the talent Idol rounds up for its pivotal 13th season.

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1 Comment

  1. myheartsong August 1, 2013 at 10:31 pm -  Reply

    Mark, I totally agree with both your assessment of Keith and of Jennifer. Keith WAS rock steady in the middle of the ego induced drama of last season and not only survived but rose above it.
    Jennifer and her ‘judging’ or lack thereof was only a way to further her career and quite frankly I’d be happy to not have to endure that again. I only hope that judges who would really be there for the contestants and who would actually judge are the judges who would be chosen. Wouldn’t mind at all seeing Harry Connick, Jr. judge. He may be old school but he gives great critique.

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