Concert News, David Cook, New Idol Music

York Fair bound, David Cook talks about those new song snippets


David Cook performs at the Major League All-Star Home Run derby earlier this year. (AP Photo)

David Cook fans are all abuzz today.

Someone discovered 30-second snippets of 11 songs many fans had not heard before on the Cherry Tree Lane Music Group Web site.

On Twitter, Starryskies80 declared that “it’s like Christmas morning for all of us.”

Referring to one of the new songs, — “Maybe Tonight,” I think — Makeover_girl says that a musician “is amazing when, through 29 seconds, a song can make you cry.”

LoveForeverKay plans to attend a David Cook concert tonight at the Allegan County Fair in Michigan, but was having trouble getting ready because all she can do is listen to the new snippets. And librarybunny says: “Holy moley … leak of unreleased David Cook song snippets has pretty much thrown my whole day out of whack.”

And everyone, I mean everyone, seemed to be begging for full-length versions of the songs.

Just by chance, I happened to be interviewing David Cook today since he’s headed this way to play the York Fair Friday night (go here for ticket information). So I had to ask about those new snippets.

David said they “weren’t meant for public consumption.” (In fact, they appeared to have been taken down by late this afternoon.)

But folks won’t have to wait too long for new David Cook music. Plans are under way for album number two.

Here’s what David had to say about the song snippets.

Check back later this week for the full interview, including what he said about plans for the new album.

Idol Chatter: So, I’m on Twitter today and it sounds like some new song snippets were released. Can you tell me what happened with that?

David Cook: “I don’t know that they were released. I think someone just found my publisher’s Web site, and they’ve got stuff up there.”

Chatter: So that wasn’t a planned release of any sort.

David: “No it wasn’t. Those songs are all kind of real rough demos, songs that may never see the light of day.”

Chatter: Were those songs that didn’t make the first album?

David: “Some of them, yeah. Some of them were songs from before Idol. Some of them were songs that didn’t make the cut for the record. Sort of a hodgepodge of a lot of things.”

Chatter: Have you checked Twitter to see what people are saying about them?

David: “I haven’t. I’m not sure I want to know. They’re really rough demos.” (Told that the reaction is unanimously positive, David laughs). “Well, I guess that’s a good thing.”

Chatter: One thing fans keep saying is, “Please, give us a deluxe version of the first album.” Any plans for anything along those lines?

David: “We’ve kind of had some casual talk about it, but so far, nothing firm has come up. I’m not opposed to it. I just want to make sure if it’s done, it’s done the right way. I imagine if it’s going to happen, the ball should be rolling in the next couple of weeks.”

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