The Voice

Team Legend as The Voice battles begin


Wow, John Legend relinquished his crown as king of the four-chair turn in Season 25.

Well, sort of. But not really.

Remember, he landed Bryan Olesen, who I would argue turned in the best blind audition of Season 25. But for some reason, Chance didn’t turn as the veteran Christian rocker was setting The Voice stage ablaze, leaving Bryan with three chair turns instead of the four he deserved.

In terms of true four-chair turns, Team Legend landed three — Mafe, Gene Taylor and OK3. OK3, a female pop trio, was tons of fun in the blinds. Here’s hoping they survive the battles, which is always challenging for groups because of the number of singers on stage for a 2-minute performance.

Matches we’ll see on the opening night of the blinds include Karen Waldrup vs. Ryan Argast from Team Dan + Shay, Asher HaVon vs. Alyssa Crosby and Tae Lewis vs. L. Rodgers from Team Reba, OK3 vs. someone on Team Legend and the already leaked Team Legend battle between Bryan Olesen and Nathan Chester.

Twenty contestants will be in danger of elimination during the battles. But four will be stolen and another four will receive a playoff pass, meaning 12 contestants will be ousted this round.

With 10 members per team and the playoff pass, The Voice seems to be following its Season 23 format. If that’s the case, five singers per team will advance to the playoffs.

That leaves plenty of opportunities for singers who didn’t turn as many chairs to shine. Keep your eyes on Olivia Rubini, who was especially impressive in nabbing the very last spot on Season 25.

Bryan Olesen, 49, Lincoln, Neb., 3 chairs

Bryan Olesen, 49, Lincoln, Neb., 3 chairs

Gene Taylor, 33, Vernon, N.J., 4 chairs

Gene Taylor, 33, Vernon, N.J., 4 chairs

Jackie Romeo, 20, Massapequa, N.Y., 2 chairs

Jackie Romeo, 20, Massapequa, N.Y., 2 chairs

Mafe, 22, Miami, Fla., 4 chairs

Mafe, 22, Miami, Fla., 4 chairs

Nathan Chester, 27, Chicago, Ill., 2 chairs

Nathan Chester, 27, Chicago, Ill., 2 chairs

OK3 (Kenna Fields, Courtney Hooker, Sierra Sikes), Oklahoma City, Okla., 4 chairs

OK3 (Kenna Fields, Courtney Hooker, Sierra Sikes), Oklahoma City, Okla., 4 chairs

Olivia Rubini, 24, Wilmington, Del., 1 chair *

Olivia Rubini, 24, Wilmington, Del., 1 chair * (only 1 spot remained on the show when she auditioned)

Rivers Grayson, Muscle Shoals, Ala., 1 chair

Rivers Grayson, Muscle Shoals, Ala., 1 chair

Ronnie Wilson, 28, Liberty, S.C., 2 chairs

Ronnie Wilson, 28, Liberty, S.C., 2 chairs

Zoe Levert, 20, New Orleans, La., 1 chair

Zoe Levert, 20, New Orleans, La., 1 chair

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