The Voice

A look at who’s most likely to get the final instant save on The Voice

The Top 9 on The Voice, from left -- Zach Seabaugh, Emily Ann Roberts, Barrett Baber, Braiden Sunshine, Jeffery Austin, Shelby Brown, Amy Vachal, Jordan Smith, Madi Davis. (NBC Photo)

The Top 9 on The Voice, from left — Zach Seabaugh, Emily Ann Roberts, Barrett Baber, Braiden Sunshine, Jeffery Austin, Shelby Brown, Amy Vachal, Jordan Smith, Madi Davis. (NBC Photo)


Ready for the most suspenseful week of The Voice Season 9 yet.

Nine singers remain heading into Monday night’s performance show.

By the time the dust settles Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET, only four finalists will remain.

That’s right, after three weeks of whittling down the finals one singer at a time, The Voice will eliminate five this week.

No idea who came up with that format, but it should create some tense moments for the singers and their fans Tuesday night.

Three singers will advance based on how well their Monday performances do on iTunes and fan voting.

Then the fourth finalist will be determined via an instant save. And that means Twitter support will become oh, so important for those who don’t make the finals via this week’s vote.

And that could swing the edge toward any of Team Blake’s country singers who don’t make the cut. Check out the numbers below. Jordan Smith is still the show’s leader on Twitter, but he doesn’t figure to need an instant save to make the final four.

The same might not be true for Barrett Baber, Zach Seabaugh and Emily Ann Roberts. If not, all three have veritable Twitter armies to rescue them from elimination.

Braiden Sunshine picked up the most Twitter fans in the past week; that tends to happen anytime an artist needs an instant save to survive like he did last Tuesday.

The other two contestants picking up the most Twitter followers in the past week were Barrett and Emily Ann. In terms of total fans, only Jordan has more than Zach.

Here are this week’s social media numbers as of 8 p.m. Saturday. The number in parenthesis is the number of fans or followers the artist has picked up in the past week. Follow the links and they’ll take you to each singer’s social media accounts.


Jordan Smith — 39,900 (+6,200)
Zach Seabaugh — 39,500 (+6,200)
Barrett Baber — 36,800 (+7,000)
Emily Ann Roberts — 31,200 (+6,400)
Braiden Sunshine — 25,600 (+9,400)
Amy Vachal — 18,800 (+4,000)
Shelby Brown — 12,800 (+3,100)
Madi Davis — 12,000 (2,737)
Jeffery Austin — 10,800 (2,111)


Zach Seabaugh — 64,800 (+9,600)
Emily Ann Roberts — 45,600 (+9,800)
Jordan Smith — 34,800 (+6,300)
Amy Vachal — 25,000 (+4,700)
Braiden Sunshine — 24,000 (+4,500)
Barrett Baber –21,700 (+4,100)
Madi Davis — 16,700 (+3,000)
Shelby Brown — 12,800 (+2,500)
Jeffery Austin — 10,300 (+1,873)


Jordan Smith — 40,873 (+4,614)
Barrett Baber — 32,882 (+2,916)
Emily Ann Roberts — 15,930 (+3,112)
Amy Vachal — 13,292 (+2,156)
Zach Seabaugh — 12,731 (+1,914)
Shelby Brown — 9,601 (+627)
Braiden Sunshine — 6,669 (+1,326)
Madi Davis — 4,594 (+931)
Korin Bukowski — 4,499 (+1,080)
Jeffery Austin — 4,242 (+717)

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