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American Idol in Vegas, for the first time


Melinda Ademi is one of the younger contestants on American Idol. Will she survive the vocal coach from hell?Just a week ago, Nigel Lythgoe told us we’d see some incredible productions during American Idol’s first-ever Vegas sing off.

That some new stars would emerge. That some old favorites would slip a little.

Well, turns out it had all better happen very quickly.

By the beginning of this week, Idol had trimmed its two-hour Vegas episode to one so that the drama of the show’s Green Mile march can begin tonight.

Which means by the end of tonight’s show, we should know some of this season’s semifinalists. For my predictions of who will make the semifinals, go here. I’ve also listed my picks for the semifinals. Many have no chance whatsoever. They don’t seem to be Idol “favorites” despite being very talented.

Turns out the Vegas round will include duos and trios. More group drama.

Turns out there’s a vocal coach from hell?

And lots of stress-inducing input from Jimmy Iovine.

And, considering Idol has trimmed Vegas to an hour, apparently absolutely no hurry to start showing us performance.

Plus, it looks like we’re in for more Ashley Sullivan drama. She gets married in Vegas?

Stefano Langone and James Durbin kick things off. Durbin has to make the semifinals. Don’t know about Stefano.

Next: Pia Toscano and Karen Rodriquez, ol’ friends form the LaGuardia School of Music. Go, Pia. And they too, get good reviews.

Followed by: Haley Reinhart, Naima Adedapo and Jacob Lusk. Haley and Jacob are among my favorites. Jacob, in particular, is making his case for why he belongs in the semifinals.

This bugs me. We get to hear Rachel Zevita, but not the two singing with her, one of whom was Phil Brooks. The other might have been Symphony Howlett.

Two more of my favorites — Tim Halperin and Julie Zorrilla. Wow, they sound great together. Loved that keyboard opening by Tim.

But … we are seeing lots of familiar faces. Where is Sophia Shorai? Paul McDonald? Jonathas Ojeda? All quite talented unknowns at this point.

Ta-Tynisha Wilson got mixed reviews on her Vegas performance on American Idol.That was the first we’ve heard from gospel singer LaKeisha Lewis, who sings alongside Ta-Tynisha Wilson and Jerome Bell.

Finally, Paul McDonald. Hooray! Singing with Kendra Chantelle Campbell. I want to see both of them in the semis.

We just saw Erin Kelly sing for the first time, I think. And go, Ashthon Jones.

Of course, now we must waste time on Ashley Sullivan drama. At least this time she isn’t crying. She’s getting married.

But looks like there’s more crying in her future. Sorry, she’s among the contestants I don’t want to see in the semifinals. Others include Jaycee Bardeaux, Jovany Barreto, Jordan Dorsey and John Wayne Schulz.

Youth movement or not, it’s time to send Melinda Ademi and Thia Megia packing.

Hey, we might get to hear Sophia sing. Because she has paired up with Ashley. Sophia sounded fine on her own. The harmonies weren’t good at all.

Three more youngsters — Scotty McCreery, Denise Jackson and Lauren Alaina. Quite cute. I’m telling you, Lauren is growing on me. Fifteen and quite fearless.

Not surprised to see Carson Higgins and Caleb Hawley together. Both characters. Same deal with Casey Abrams, whom Idol needs. Still not sold on Chris Medina.

Robbie Rosen, Jordan Dorsey and Aaron Sanders perform together again. Jordan and Robbie do nothing for me. Jordan mostly because he was such a jerk on group day.

Well, Idol just got rid of Melinda Ademi, Phil Brooks, Molly DeWolf, Carson Higgins, Caleb Hawley, Denise Jackson and, apparently lots of others. Though, as usual, we don’t find out who all those people are.

Looks like those advancing to the Green Mile include Brett Loewenstern, Jaycee Badeaux, Thia Megia, Lauren Alaina, Ashthon Jones, Jordan Dorsey, Scott McCreery, Paul McDonald and about 30 others.

Oh, more music? If so, that’s a pleasant surprise.

Learning their fate …

Naima Adedapo: Dammit, Ryan, she’s not a custodian. She’s a performer.  A singer and a dancer. And a choreographer. She’s no more a custodian than Lee DeWyze was a paint store salesman. Don’t pretend she’s some sort of novice at the music business. And Naima, the performer, is the first off to the semifinals.

Hollie Cavanagh: The tearful 17-year-old from Liverpool, England, is up next. I’m not a fan, not for the top 12 girls anyway. And she’s not advancing. She bows out gracefully. Well done, Hollie.

LaKeisha Lewis: Doesn’t make the top 24. We barely heard her sing.

Alex Ryan: Who? He doesn’t advance. Hey, I know who he is. It’s just that he got zero screen time recently.

Clint Jun Gamboa: The karaoke host who booted Jaycee Bardeaux out of his group learns his fate next. My guess is that he’ll go through. Yep, he’s the first guy through.

Haley Reinhart: Participating in Idol for the second time, Haley’s up next. Put her through, judges. And Haley advances. Wonderful. Not sure she’s got a chance at winning, but I’ll be among those rooting for her.

Deandre Brackensick: With so many other youngsters in this competition, I think we can do without Deandre. And the 16-year-old gets a “no.”

Paul McDonald: Rooting for this guy. His “Dreamin’ Alone” is fantastic. And Paul makes it. Shame he’s gotten so little screen time to this point.

Ashthon Jones: Another girl who should be headed toward the semifinals. Excellent choice, judges. Ashthon is going to the semifinals, too.

Chris Medina: Love this guy’s story. But I haven’t been impressed by anything he has performed on Idol. Or anything I’ve heard of his pre-Idol performances.  Love that line though: That his fiancee is now more famous than he is. And he didn’t make it into the top 24.

And that’s the “no” that prompted Jennifer to break down. Chris vows to go on. I’m sure J-Lo will, too. Tomorrow night.

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