Adam Lambert, New Idol Music

CD Spotlight: Adam sizzles on Glam Nation Live


Adam Lambert's Glam Nation LiveAdam Lambert
Glam Nation Live

1. Vodoo
2. Down the Rabbit Hole
3. Ring of Fire
4. Fever
5. Sleepwalker
6. Whataya Want from Me
7. Soaked
8. Aftermath
9. Sure Fire Winner
10. Strut
11. Music Again
12. If I Had You
13. 20th Century Boy

Last summer, while the American Idol summer tour fizzled, Adam Lambert’s Glam Nation Tour sizzled, selling out venues across the country.

Want to know why?

Check out the just-released “Glam Nation Live” CD/DVD from Adam.

You’ll marvel all over again how someone with so much charisma, so much showmanship and such a voice failed to win the American Idol crown in season eight.

Live version of the hits — “Whataya Want From Me” and “If I Had You” — are here. So are should-have-been-hits like “Fever” and “Strut.”

But the highlights also include four tracks you won’t find on the basic version of Adam’s debut CD — “Vodoo,” “Down the Rabbit Hole,” “20th Century Boy” and, most interestingly, Adam’s unique take on the Johnny Cash classic “Ring of Fire.”

Then there’s “Sleepwalker,” which quite frankly is one of my least favorite songs on “For Your Entertainment.” On the live version, Adam outdoes himself with vocals that soar even more than he rousing guitar solo near the end of the song.

I’ll proclaim that one of the best vocals ever put to CD by an American Idol contestant.

As for the DVD, it should be required viewing for those Season 10 Idol contestants who haven’t quite figured out that pop stars of the 2010s had better do more than stand behind the mike and sing well.

Of course, to say Adam sings well here is a gross understatement. His vocals are blazing on nearly every track, making him the perfect performer to release what I’m pretty sure is the first live CD from a former American Idol finalist.

Grade: A-


  1. TomL March 27, 2011 at 5:21 am -  Reply

    Great review. I saw the show in LA and it was amazing. Agreed with the Sleepwalker vocals. They were out of this world.

  2. Fluffygrl March 27, 2011 at 7:57 am -  Reply

    I saw him live in New Zealand…and he was awesome. His voice was amazing live and he really puts on a show. I wish the DVD had more close ups ‘cos he is gorgeous! But, at least we can all relive the fabulousness that is an Adam Lambert concert experience.

  3. Arane March 27, 2011 at 8:54 am -  Reply

    Whaaaat A- ?! A+!! I LOVE this DVD so much, it’s a great way to remember the Glamnation Tour =)

  4. Judy March 27, 2011 at 10:59 am -  Reply

    Fantastic review,I couldn’t agree more ! From Adam’s brilliant vocals to his command of the stage this DVD is a GLAMSLAM !

  5. Chris March 27, 2011 at 11:13 am -  Reply

    This is the best CD/DVD I have ever heard/seen. Unfortunately, I was not able to see the Glam Nation Live tour and I’m so thrilled that Adam put this out. Thank you so much.

    So Adam, on your next tour – please book larger venues so I’ll at least have a better chance of getting some tickets this time. Always a Glambert!

  6. Mavis March 27, 2011 at 12:10 pm -  Reply

    Adam Lambert is the best live entertainer I have ever seen. Please do not say Adam failed to win. When American Idol allows unlimited voting and then turned their back to the AT&T / UCA cheating by Matt Jordan how could Adam win against millions of cheat votes? Adam Lambert’s talent can not be denied. Here in London his Glam Nation Tour is selling out.

    • Mark Franklin March 27, 2011 at 1:57 pm -  Reply


      Hey, the fail wasn’t Adam’s. The fail was in the hands of voters and the judges. In the finale, the judges should have made it crystal clear that Adam was far and away the best performer in season eight.

  7. Lauriellen March 27, 2011 at 3:36 pm -  Reply

    I went to three GNT shows and have never been to anything that compares. We have run out of adjectives to describe Adam and have started making ones up. My “replay” button on my remote is wearing out after only one week of having the DVD in my hands. If you listen to the CD first, then watch the DVD, you will be amazed that such vocal gymnastics are achieved while he’s jumping all over the stage.

  8. deedee March 27, 2011 at 5:06 pm -  Reply

    Really wonderful review. I totally agree with you on almost everything. I did like Sleepwalker on the CD…HOWEVER, the version on this live DVD/CD is just unbeleivable. I listen to it/watch it and my mouth just drops again and again and I always think he wont suprise me and he does. I honestly cant stop watching that particular song. The entire DVD is great.

  9. Jada March 27, 2011 at 5:38 pm -  Reply

    Thank you for such great review. Adam deserves it all. GREAT JOB ADAM!

  10. glenda March 27, 2011 at 5:43 pm -  Reply

    Great review – and yes, Adam could most certainly give new Idol contestants a lesson or ten on STAGE PRESENCE; which he has in abundance! I was lucky enough to go to 6 GNT concerts and I swear he didn’t miss a note once; such vocal power. Anyone who hasn’t seen Adam live should really treat themselves on his next tour -but then, it’s going to be a real challenge to score tickets since GNT sold out everywhere!!

  11. SANDY March 27, 2011 at 5:47 pm -  Reply

    I only got to see one Glam Nation Show. He is the absolute total package. He is like a drug, the more you see the more you want. After 2 years of listening to him non stop , I still can’t wait each day to hear Adam. His pre idol music is amazing. Check out Is Anybody Listening and Come to Me Bend to ME. He is the best I have heard in a very long time. He is actually as good ,if not better live than he is in the recording studio. How can that be? It’s ADAM LAMBERT

  12. LC March 27, 2011 at 6:02 pm -  Reply

    I bought the DVD/CD. I actually like it even better than the original. I agree with the author about Sleepwalker. It’s my least favorite on the CD but my most favorite live performance.

  13. Netmeg99 March 27, 2011 at 6:13 pm -  Reply

    This review gave me chills .. Thank You so much Adam is incredible I got to see the GlamNation Tour a few times it deserved a DVD out of sheer Epicness. The summer of 2010 will never be forgotten. Adam Lambert owns my heart!

  14. Mandy March 27, 2011 at 6:36 pm -  Reply

    I agree with Mavis about Adam being clearly the superior performer. Honestly, the judges didn’t have to say anything. It was so obvious. We all know that the results were crooked, the result of community texting in Arkansas. I and other Adam supporters were absolutely unable to access the lines after trying repeatedly. In the past weeks, we did not have this trouble. They stayed busy the entire voting period. No one will ever convince me that the voting wasn’t rigged in some mannter. It was the responsibility of Idol management to see what happened and to overturn a bad decision. What happened was a disservice to Adam and a greater one to Kris Allen. The two Idol concerts I attended were an embarrassing disaster for the nice Mr. Allen. People walked out of his performance. However rude this was, it was a true reflection of what the outcome should have been.

    In any case, this is history, and Mr. Lambert (and to a lesser extent, Mr. Allen) have gone on to do extremely well is such a competitive industry. I am older, so I also have a memory of many great concerts. The sheer palatable excitement and energy from Adam and cast were unprecedented. Even the greatest rockers did not have this connectivity with the audience. Maybe it was the smaller venues, but it was certainly special. I personally can’t wait for more.

  15. SoozinCA March 27, 2011 at 6:48 pm -  Reply

    I’m gonna ask the question my husband asked when I told him that EW gave Glam Nation Live an A- as well…”so what’s the minus?”
    I love this DVD, and the CD, amazing is not strong enough a superlative to describe it. I got to attend several of the shows live, and am so grateful to have this as a means of reliving the experience. Unlike the reviewer, I have been a fan of Sleepwalker since the first time I heard it, and I am blown away by it live. As good as Orianthi is on the studio version, Monte Pittmans shredding live is almost as incredible as Adam’s voice. I also get chill bumps from Soaked on here. The huge heart that Adam possesses comes through in his voice. It moves me.

  16. Aubry March 27, 2011 at 7:24 pm -  Reply

    I rate this DVD CD A+++++++ In todays world of auto tuned pop stars how great is it that Adam can sing circles around any of them LIVE no auto tune necessary. I love this DVD CD because it is so much harder rockin than IMO the overly produced FYE CD. Hopefully with the next CD TPTB let Adams vocals be front and center and that Adam rocks like no ones business.

  17. celtcwrtr March 27, 2011 at 9:07 pm -  Reply

    a very well-deserved review. although, this release gives not only those who are familiar w/ Adam & missed GNT to experience it, but is also an opportunity for those prejudiced against Idol to experience this most excellent singer and performer.

    step right in.

  18. Justin March 28, 2011 at 12:29 am -  Reply

    Thanks for the article. The GlamNation tour was truly amazing and it is fantastic that they have captured it in this DVD set. First album and the man has a World Tour – Remarkable!! This is an artist to be reconned with, mark my words.

  19. M-E Marsh March 28, 2011 at 2:06 am -  Reply

    Now everyone can see why many of us sacrificed and saved to get the money to attend more than one Glam Nation concert (for me it was 5 including the incomparable concert in Amsterdam!). I love the CD that goes with the DVD. His raw power leaves me breathless! We may never get to see him in such intimate settings again; next tour will almost certainly need larger venues to accomodate all the new fans who will discover Adam from “Glam Nation live” Go Adam, you deserve all the great reviews!

  20. Greygoose March 28, 2011 at 3:28 am -  Reply

    Great Review!I saw the concert 3 times and if it had been possible I would have seen every single one! As stated repeatedly there are no adjectives to describe Adam and his vocal abilities! I just want him to go on making music forever!

  21. adamaussiefan March 28, 2011 at 8:56 am -  Reply

    We were privileged to see and hear Adam in his Australian concerts. He was absolutely amazing, what a performer; brilliant and unforgettable. The dvd and cd are fantastic. Rock on Adam.

  22. funbunn40 March 29, 2011 at 4:13 am -  Reply

    Thanks for the insightful positive review. Adam is the most exciting entertainer live that I have ever seen and I’ve seen some of the best! Unlike so many of the auto-tuned po stars today, Adam has a powerful, perfectly pitched voice with amazing breath control. Check out the ending notes of “Come to me, Bend to me” from Brigadoon. Pure vocal excellence with a nod to his excellent vocal training. Adam not only sings a song, he acts it, interpreting the lyrics, telling the story in the most creative, moving way. He owns the stage, drawing you to him like a moth to a flame.I’ve seen him live 6x and it’s only the beginning! I’m so happy to have this DVD/CD to remind me of this iconic GNT to savor over and over! Adam Lambert is the real deal!!!

  23. queenrosered March 29, 2011 at 6:09 pm -  Reply

    My husband and I were never Idol viewers and caught Adam’s Season 8 audition while channel surfing. We decided to watch the following week and the rest is history. We went to the Idol Tour in San Diego and right after his set, left and waited at the barricades (yes we were some of those folks who didn’t care to sit through Kris Allen) and we actually met Adam! I held his wrist and “gently guided” him over to us and he smiled and said “hey!” and I left my body,mumbling something nice, I think, because Adam thanked me, then he signed mt AI Program and my Rolling Stone cover and shook hubby’s hand.
    Then we saw him at Fantasy Springs and 6 more times, on his Glam Nation Tour, including 2 nights in Hawaii and his final date in LA!
    He ROCKS! There is NO way to accurately describe how chocolaty delicious his vocals are, LIVE. So buy the DVD/CD and go see him when his sophomore album is out and he tours again! I rate this DVD a definite A+ and then some! Thanks. 😀

  24. funbunn40 March 30, 2011 at 3:10 am -  Reply

    Just listened to Adam’s GNT CD for the 6th time! The sound is magnificent, much better than the FYE cd, altho’ I’ve played it to death! Every DJ should listen. It’s a lesson in excellence! Every song except FYE [for some reason didn’t sound as good as DVD]was so powerful, with immaculate vocals. It took me back to seeing him live, which is an out of body experience in itself. I hope people will listen, as it is exceptionally good! No comparison to what’s out there today!

  25. funbunn40 March 30, 2011 at 3:20 am -  Reply

    The DVD/CFD will be out in Blue ray April 5th on Amazon. I had to order that one too! Start saving up for the next tout! Once you see him live, there’s no stopping! You’ll become addicted like the rest of us! Yiuwill be in awe of this man’s talent and how drop dead gorgeous he is!

  26. funbunn40 March 30, 2011 at 3:21 am -  Reply

    OOPs can’t type just thinking about Adam lambert!

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