After The Voice

Christina Grimmie still shares her talent, and the story of Jessica Blue

first of the four new Christina Grimmie videos was released today.

Don’t know about you, but it’s tough for me to watch without getting emotional over the fact that such a talented young woman — who had just released her best music yet — is no longer with us.

The video comes with this intro: “The ‘Ballad of Jessica Blue’ is retro styled narrative and music video short film.

“The story follows a young girl’s journey into self-discovery through her love life, her womanhood and her music. ‘Jessica’ is at a crossroads in her life. She becomes suspicious of her boyfriend and is gripped by insecurities only to realize that she is doing more damage to her own heart and future than any relationship ever could.

“Jessica has an upcoming showcase where she hopes to prove to herself and others that her music is as strong as her desire to be great. With the showcase days away she can’t seem to put together her set or her songs.

“Jessica is torn between boyfriend issues, her creative issues and a general feeling of self-doubt. She confides in the people closest to her and they all give her words of wisdom along her path of self-discovery. Her beloved grandmother reminds her that all the security, strength and love she needs is in that powerful voice on the other side of her heart. Jessica finds her path by doing what she loves. She sings from her heart.”

Christina filmed the videos in February, four months before being shot by a crazed fan after a show in Florida.

Another video will be released each week for the next four weeks, completing the story.

The songs from from Christina’s “Side A” EP, released in February.

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