The Voice

Mandi Thomas talks about her blind audition on The Voice

Mandi Thomas performs during her blind audition on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)

Mandi Thomas performs during her blind audition on The Voice Season 18. (NBC Photo)


Mandi Thomas certainly went the unconventional route during her Voice blind audition.

She sang “Time to Say Goodbye,” considered the signature song for Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli.

It’s safe to say it’s the first time it was performed for a Voice blind audition.

But Mandi’s performance was impressive enough to turn the chair of Kelly Clarkson, and that’s exactly what the classically trained vocalist was hoping for.

Here’s what Mandi told Voice Views about her blind audition experience.

Voice Views: How did you wind up auditioning for The Voice Season 18 and what prompted you to do it?

Mandi: This was my 4th time auditioning actually, but having (vocal) students that had been on the show did give me a little more of a push!

Voice Views: Why did you choose “Time to Say Goodbye” for your audition song? What’s your performance history with that song? That was a rather risky move and, from what I’d read, you perform in a cover band, so you clearly could have picked something more traditional to The Voice.

Mandi: I chose “Time to Say Goodbye” because it was a piece that I feel a lot of people are familiar with. Even if it’s from “Stepbrothers.” LOVE me some Will Ferrell!! Classical training is the sole reason I am able to sing other genres. I figured I would honor the years of hard work I’ve done, and I also wanted to stand out. Kelly asked for opera last season, and I wanted to be the one to fulfill that request.

Voice Views: Did you have a coaching preference heading into the blind audition? How do you feel about landing on Team Kelly Clarkson?

Mandi: Kelly was DEFINITELY my number one choice as a coach, but I would’ve been honored to have any of them. I’m so excited to work with Kelly, and see what strategy she uses with me with me in the coming rounds.

Voice Views: Had you ever tried a singing show in the past and, if so, did that experience in any way help you prepare for The Voice?

Mandi: I have auditioned for American Idol, and made it to Hollywood on Season 6. It was a great learning experience to see what these kinds of shows are really about, and also to prepare me for a singing career. It’s a tough world out there, and rejection is what helps you grow. Not everyone is pleased with the opera that I decided to do, but hey, you only need ONE chair!!

Voice Views: And what was that blind audition experience like? You were two-thirds of the way through before Kelly turned. Were you getting nervous at that point?

Mandi: I was VERY nervous going into the audition. Opera isn’t a genre that I’ve personally focused on for the last 15 years since college. My blind may not have been my best performance, but I did my best in the moment, and boy am I glad it was enough for Kelly! It was really one of the most awesome and terrifying experiences I’ve ever had, and I HIGHLY recommend that everyone who wants to try to go for it! It’s sooo worth it!

For more about Mandi’s background and her social media links, head here.

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1 Comment

  1. brenda pomeroy March 12, 2020 at 5:16 pm -  Reply

    Mandi we are praying and rooting for you….you are awesome and deserve to go far if not win this whole thing…..:)

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