Season 5, The Voice

Meet Austin Jenckes of Team Blake on The Voice


His audition: Austin Jenckes, 25, of Duvall, Wash., auditioned with Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Simple Man.” His powerful performance, including a big note near the end, prompted Blake Shelton and Cee Lo Green to spin their chairs. Austin decided to join Team Blake.

Austin Jenckes of Team Blake on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Austin Jenckes of Team Blake on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

His background: Austin’s audition provided one of the more emotional stories from Season 5. His dad taught Austin to play “Simple Man” when he was 10. When Austin was 16, his dad committed suicide. “Unfortunately, he didn’t know how loved he was by his family and friends,” Austin told The Voice. So Austin showed up on The Voice stage carrying the guitar his dad taught him to play, to perform a song he says he’s sung at the end of every one of his shows. As for his musical career, Austin says he doesn’t make enough money to not have a side job. His is giving scooter tours.

On picking Blake: The day after his audition aired, Austin said Cee Lo and Blake are the two coaches “I really wanted to work with … And the fact that they both turned around made it kind of ironic. Blake, as an artist, he has a similar vibe that I do. I wouldn’t say that I’m a full-blown pop country artist, but I do have a lot of country roots and I just feel like, musically, he would be able to relate to me.”

What the show didn’t show: On Facebook, Austin classifies himself as a “country/folk” artist. And if you liked what you heard on The Voice, there’s plenty more Austin Jenckes to listen to. He released a 10-track album called “Coming of Age” in 2009, then joined a group called The First Call to release a 12-track album called “Austin Jenckes and the First Call” in 2011. He followed up those releases with the impressive 6-track EP “American Story” in 2012. You can listen to and download that 2011 album from Though identified as being from Duvall, Wash., Austin relocated to Nashville’s music scene back in 2012.

Quote: “Being a scooter tour guide is one of the fun-est things ever, but I’m just trying to make something happen with my music.”

On iTunes: The 2008 album, the 2012 EP and his Voice performance.

Keeping up with Austin: On Twitter — @AustinJenckesFacebookWebsite

Austin Jenckes, “Wild and Reckless” from his 2012 EP

Austin Jenckes, “The Reason” from his 2011 album with The First Call

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