The Voice

Meet Eva Ullmann of The Voice Season 22


Eva Ullman from The Voice Season 22

Eva Ullman from The Voice Season 22

Her audition: Eva Ullmann performed Maggie Rogers’ “Light On” and earned a spot on Team Blake Shelton. He was the only coach to turn. The Voice aired just a small snippet of Eva’s blind audition. She talks about it here.

Here’s more about Eva.

* She’s a 22-year-old singer-songwriter from Ponte Vedra Beach. Fla, and currently based in Boston.

* She attends Northeastern University, though she spent a semester of her college career studying in Italy.

* In her website bio, Eva says she’s been performing and writing songs for “the better half of a decade, working on growing my skillset as a musician and trying my hardest to open up and infuse my lyrics and melodies with honestly and emotion.”

* In 2019, she released a six-song EP called “Youth.” She describes it as “a collection of songs dedicated to growing up — featuring all of the heartbreaks, scandals, laughs, and mistakes that come along the way.”

* In 2020, Eva launched a TikTok, challenging herself to post a cover a day until she was discovered as a singer. On just day five, she posted a cover of “Rise Up” that has been viewed more than 630,000 times. She now has more than 45,000 followers.

* After a two-year break between releasing music, Eva returned with an impressive single called “Renaissance” in February. On social media, she described it this way: “I got my heart broken, graduated high school, moved to Italy to start college, traveled the world, got briefly disowned, and ended up falling in love with myself and growing way stronger than I ever thought I could be– all within the span of about a year. ‘Renaissance’ is that story… well the beginning of it anyway.” Check out the music video below.

* Eva followed that up two more singles and a seven-song EP, also called “Renaissance.” The title track is heartfelt and soulful. If you’re looking for something a bit more pop-oriented, be sure to check out the excellent “Shape Up.”

* On her Patreon page, Eva describes herself as “a tiny girl with a big voice and lots and lots of pretty words that will hopefully make people feel something.”

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