After The Voice

Mitchell Lee laments the lover who’s ‘Already Gone’ on new single


Mitchell Lee from Season 14 has released his first single since The Voice.Mitchell Lee, a Season 13 standout on The Voice, dropped his first single since the show on Monday.

It’s a heartfelt song called “Already Gone” about a man realizing the relationship he’s in has run its course, even if he and his lover haven’t run up the white flag yet.

Mitchell told Voice Views “Already Gone” is a song he wrote before The Voice. He decided to release it first to emphasize the fact that he’s a singer-songwriter.

And on Facebook, he says the message behind the song made the sound of “Already Gone” as important as the lyrics.

“You’re in that moment where you can tell that person is not in it anymore. and you just feel alone,” he says. “I wanted it not only to feel like that, I wanted it to sound like that. I wanted to feel like this vast emptiness underneath everything. And that feeling of being alone — I wanted you to hear it.

“But then when the chorus kicks in, the drums kind of kick in, there’s these big, kind of almost ’80s tom sounding drums because it is very emotional. When you’re in that, you feel it. It hurts.”

Mitchell was 29 when he auditioned for The Voice, turned three chairs with his cover of “Hold My Hand” and opted to join Team Blake.

He wound up advancing all the way to the playoffs before being eliminated.

“Already Gone” hit iTunes early Monday morning. Follow the link to hear a snippet of the song.

Meanwhile, Mitchell told Voice Views he has two other singles “primed for release soon.”

You can keep up with the Nashville-based singer-songwriter through Instagram and his Facebook page. On Twitter, he’s @itsMitchellLee.

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