Season 5, The Voice

Night 3 of auditions on The Voice


So far, four artists have earned four-chair turn-arounds on The Voice.

That includes Holly Henry and Tessanne Chin from night two of the auditions and James Wolpert and Matthew Schuler from night one.

And two of those artists — Tessanne and James — wound up on Team Adam.

As it turned out, no one on night three could earn a four-chair turn, but three singers came close.

Those included teenager Timyra-Joi, former Christian band member Preston Pohl and Monika Leigh, back singing after a self-imposed four-year hiatus.

They landed on Team Christina, Team Adam and Team Blake, respectively. Here’s a look at the singers we met during Monday’s episode.

For the night one and night two recaps, follow those links.

Ray Boudreaux landed a spot on Team Blake on The Voice.

Ray Boudreaux landed a spot on Team Blake on The Voice.

Ray Boudreauz, 25, Lafayette, La.

Background: He’s introduced to us as a young single father with an “old soul.” At age 20, he was playing music five times a week. He cut back on his music when his daughter was born (he was 22 at the time) and took a job mowing lawns to help pay his bills. Ray says the biggest crowd he’s ever played for is about 400 people. He says he grew up singing soul and thinks the judges might be surprised by his performance.

His song: “Use Me” by Bill Withers

The performance: Ray turned in a perfectly serviceable performance of the song, but it was lacking moments. Not sure whether that’s the fault of Ray or the song choice. Grade: C

The chairs: Blake spun his chair early in the performance. Cee Lo took a while longer, but eventually joined him.

Judges’ reaction: Adam says he’s a little confused because Ray looks like Blake but sounds like Cee Lo. Blake praises his bluesy Louisiana style.

Ray’s choice: He decides to join Team Blake and says it feels great that he might never have to cut grass again.

Lina Gaudenzi of Team Christina on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Lina Gaudenzi of Team Christina on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Lina Gaudenzi, 23, Miami, Fla.

Background: Her mom was a professional model and appeared in the first Victoria’s Secret catalog. She stopped modeling in high school and eventually moved to Paris and studied classical music. Eventually, she returned home and started gigging in bars. She says she’s into bluesy, soulful and folk music.

The song: “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac (Stevie Nicks)

The performance: Lina is turning in a nice, tender performance of the song and tossed in a couple of wrinkles near the end to make it her own. Grade: B-

The chairs: Christina turns around early in the performance. Blake turned his chair around at nearly the last moment.

Judges’ reaction: Christina praises Lina for being something really special and unique. Blake tries to convince her bluesy, soulful and folk equals country. Then Adam does some lobbying on Christina’s behalf.

Her choice: Lina decides to join Team Christina.

Juhi performs on night three of The Voice auditions. (NBC Photo)

Juhi performs on night three of The Voice auditions. (NBC Photo)

Juhi, 16, Franklin, Tenn.

Background: She’s entering her senior year of high school and says she gets her singing talent from her mom, who is into traditional Indian music. Juhi is making plans for college where she might study aerospace engineering, but says The Voice will give her a clue as to whether she should be pursuing music instead. Juhi says she’d like to be a cross between Amy Winehouse and Kurt Cobain.

Song: “Mercy” by Duffy

Performance: Juhi has a unique sound and demonstrates oodles of stage presence. Certainly stage presence beyond her 16 years. Grade: B-

The chairs: Cee Lo turns around early in the performance, followed by Christina.

Judges’ reaction: Cee Lo says she sounded “completely cool singing that song.” Christina tries to convince her she’d be better off with a female coach.

Her pick: Juhi joins Team Cee Lo.

Malford Milligan, 54, Austin, Texas

Background: Malford says his family was poor and he started working in cotton fields at age 12. He’s also a black albino and legally blind and says people have looked at him like he was a “sideshow freak.” Singing became his outlet. He performs soul, rock and country and says he’s gotten to perform with some amazing people.

Song: “Let’s Stay Together”

Performance: Malford starts off with a silky smooth delivery, but he certainly hasn’t selected a novel audition song. He winds up turning in an adequate performance with a nice ending.

Chairs: But Malford can’t turn a chair.

Judges’ reaction: The coaches compliment Malford on his vocals, but Christina says she was waiting for “a moment” that never came.

Justin Blake of Team Adam performs on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Justin Blake of Team Adam performs on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Justin Blake, 20, Savannah, Tenn.

Background: He’s an escort driver — meaning he drives behind oversized loads to make sure everyone keeps a safe distance away. He says he feels fortunate to have a job, but doesn’t make great money — $8 an hour — and fears it won’t be enough to support the baby he and his girlfriend are about to have.

Song: “Sure Be Cool If You Did,” by Blake Shelton

Performance: Besides the fact that Justin seems like a guy we should all root for, he’s displaying a nice country voice with just a touch of rasp. He might have over-sang the ending just a bit. Grade: B-

Chairs: Adam turns around early in the performance, but is the only coach to do so.

Judges’ reaction: Adam compliments Justin on being a “great country singer.” And then he jokes that he didn’t even know Justin was singing a Blake Shelton song.

His choice: No decision to make as Justin becomes a member of Team Adam.

Timyra Joi joined Team Christina on The Voice.

Timyra Joi joined Team Christina on The Voice.

Timyra-Joi, 15, San Diego, Calif.

Background: This young lady says she’s been singing all her life. Timyra-Joi has had a vocal coach since age 5 and says she stopped charging the family for those lessons for a while after her dad lost his job. The teen says she’s hoping The Voice can help her sort out who she is as an artist.

Song: “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys.

Performance: OK, tonight’s episode officially started. That was a pitch perfect, pure opening, and Timyra-Joi might be showing off the biggest voice we’ve heard tonight. Perhaps not the most controlled, but certainly one of the strongest. Grade: B

The chairs: Christina spins first, very early in the performance. Near the end, she is joined by Blake and Cee Lo.

Judges’ reaction: Christina says she knows what it’s like for a young girl in the business and is anxious to work with Timyra-Joi. She compliments the run at the end of the song.

Her choice: Timyre-Joie decides to join Team Christina.

Monika Leigh of Team Blake performs on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Monika Leigh of Team Blake performs on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Monika Leigh, 28, Boulder, Colo.

Background: She says she performed in bars, hotels and cafes from age 13 to 21. At age 22, she gave up, decided “dreams are dreams,” and gave up on being a musician for about four years. Now she’s hoping a Voice appearance will launch her to a career in music.

Song: “The Thrill is Gone”

Performance: Monika shows off a nice bluesy tone and sprinkles the song with enough vocal gymnastics to make it interesting. A big glory note at the end helps too. Grade: B

Chairs: Adam and Cee Lo turn around in the middle of the performance. Blake spins at the last moment.

Judges reaction: Adam says he’d like to make Monika “the centerpiece” of his team. Blake compliments her for having “all the elements” of a technically good singer, plus a dash of “star quality.”

Her choice: Monika joins Team Blake.

Zach Hinson, 21, Yakima, Wash.

Background: Zach is a fireman, a job he’s held for six years; he started when he was a junior in high school. But as much as he loves firefighting, he says from a safety standpoint and a career standpoint, music would be his preference.

Song: “Drunk on You”

Performance: Another country singer, but Zach’s vocals seem a little muddled at the start of this Luke Bryan tune. And he hit a couple of bum notes on the second run-through on that chorus. Grade: C-

Chairs: He fails to turn a chair.

Judges’ reaction: Christina compliments his voice. Blake suggests Zach focus on working on his notes as much as his sound.

Briana Cuoco opted to join Team Christina on The Voice.

Briana Cuoco opted to join Team Christina on The Voice.

Briana Cuoco, 24, Los Angeles, Calif.

Background: Briana is a personal assistant to her sister, Kaley Cuoco, who plays Penny on “The Big Bang Theory.” Briana says she’s been singing for a long time and thinks she’s meant to perform for a living. Kaley says she’s a big fan of The Voice and has been encouraging her sister to try out.

Song: “You and I” by Lady Gaga.

Performance: Not crazy about this arrangement or the song, or Briana’s delivery of it early on. But she showed off a big voice when she started belting out “you and I” repeatedly and delivered a very nice ending to the song. Grade: C+

Chairs: Christina turned midway through the performance. Cee Lo joined at the last moment.

Judges reaction: Cee Lo compliments the power in her voice. Christina says she was moved by Briana’s “power and raw talent.”

Her choice: Briana decides to join Team Christina.

George Horga landed on Team Cee Lo on The Voice.

George Horga landed on Team Cee Lo on The Voice.

George Horga Jr., 19, Portland, Ore.

Background: His parents are from Romania and moved to the U.S. to start businesses. George said he moved from his home to Hollywood at age 18 to pursue his dream of performing music. He calls The Voice his big opportunity.

Song: “Treasure” by Bruno Mars

Performance: The vocals are largely underwhelming, but George is a good-looking guy who gets the gals in the crowd riled up. Grade: C

Chairs: Cee Lo turns around midway through the song.

Judges reaction: Cee Lo says he picked up on the positive vibe the crowd felt from George’s performance.

His choice: No decision to make, but Adam and Christina agree Cee Lo is a good match for George.

And The Voice, in a heartbeat, introduces us to …

Anthony Paul, who sang “With You” and landed on Team Cee Lo; Cilla Chan who sang “Come and Get It” and wound up on Team Blake; and Jacob Poole, who sang “Marry Me” and landed on Team Christina.

Preston Pohl decided to join Team Adam after turning three chairs on The Voice.

Preston Pohl decided to join Team Adam after turning three chairs on The Voice.

Preston Pohl, 26, Halletsville, Texas

Background: His father and mother both played in church, so Preston was exposed to music at a young age. He wound up playing guitar in a Christian band (StorySide: B), but one of the members died and the band dissolved. Preston is now trying to make it as a solo artist.

Song: “Electric Feel”

Performance: Preston’s low rasp is a hit with the judges, but isn’t doing much for me. Though you have to admire the energy Preston poured into the end of that performance. Grade: C+

Chairs: Preston gets Adam, Cee Lo and Blake to turn around in a heartbeat. Christina does not join them.

Judges’ reaction: The guys go into heavy lobbying mode for Preston. Adam calls Preston “a real soul singer” who’s crazy good.

His choice: Preston decides to join Team Adam.

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