Pia Toscano

Pia Toscano sings the Kings to victory, but will she get a ring?


Pia ToscanoSo, Pia Toscano sang the national anthem twice during the Stanley Cup finals and the Los Angeles Kings won both times.

Guess that good luck charm is still working.

Course it took the Kings two overtime periods to prevail Friday night as they won the series, 4-1, over the New York Rangers.

Pia couldn’t sing the anthem for the series opener because she was off singing backup for Jennifer Lopez. But she sang before game two, when the Kings won, then was tabbed to sing the anthem again after the Rangers won one of two games in New York to force the series back to L.A.

On Twitter, the Season 10 standout on Idol wrote: “In my three years singing for the Kings, tonight was the most special thus far.”

And that’s before they won.

Afterward: “So proud of these guys!! And so honored to have been a part of this again!”

Oh, yeah, this marks the second straight Stanley Cup for the Kings, who had won a grand total of zero prior to last year.

you missed Pia singing the anthem, I’ve embedded the video at right.

If you’d like to see Pia singing backup for Jennifer Lopez … well, they’re supposed to be on Fallon tonight.

Hopefully, the next time I embed a Pia video, it will be of some of that new music she’s working on with Jared Lee.

Meanwhile, @PiaPardise is lobby for Pia to get a Stanley Cup championship ring by retweeting #PutARingOnPia. In case you want to help out.

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