The Voice

Ranking the Top 5 on The Voice

The Voice finalists -- Jacquie Roar, Lila Forde, Ruby Leigh, Mara Justine and Huntley, return to the stage Monday night. (NBC Photo)

The Voice finalists — Jacquie Roar, Lila Forde, Ruby Leigh, Mara Justine and Huntley, return to the stage Monday night. (NBC Photo)


The final five on one of the most talented seasons of The Voice in recent memory will take the stage Monday night for the Season 24 performance finale.

Each artist will take the stage twice, once to perform an up-tempo song and once to perform a ballad.

Voting will take place overnight, ending at 7 a.m. eastern time Tuesday via The Voice app or website. One vote per method per email address.

Below are my finals rankings for Season 24. Keep in mind, I’ve ranked the singers in the order I think they deserve to finish at this point.

If I had to guess how they will finish, the list would be different, with Huntley and Ruby Leigh moving up and Jacquie Roar, who needed an instant save to reach this point, moving down.

Monday night’s fun begins at 8 p.m. Tuesday’s two-hour season finale starts at 9 p.m.

See also …
Song by song grades for the Top 9
Song by song grades for the Top 12

Here’s are the rankings. The number in parenthesis is where the singer was ranked a week ago.

1. Mara Justine, 21, Galloway, N.J. (Team Niall) (1): During Carson’s Tuesday night Q&A with contestants, Mara said she still wanted to show off her softer side and rock side to Voice fans. Hold it, I thought we’d already seen her rock side. If she can rock better than she already has, watch out below. Because Mara has turned in the best performance on this show for two straight weeks with her combination of stage presence and sterling, powerful vocals. Here’s betting her softer side is pretty darn impressive too.

2. Huntley, 33, Fredericksburg, Va. (Team Niall) (3): This guy’s been going up-tempo too since the lives started. But if you don’t think Huntley can play the balladeer, you’re forgetting his blind audition performance of “She Talks to Angels.” Those deep, raspy vocals had every coach facing his way by the time he’d completed the second line of the song. I think Mara’s been slightly better to this point. But if I had to bet money on a contestant to win, it’d be on Huntley. He’s the only male singer left, and a guy has won five of the last seven seasons of The Voice.

3. Jacquie Roar, 37, North Plains, Oregon (Team Reba) (8): At the 1:25 mark of Tuesday’s save performance, Jacquie closed her eyes, took a step back and touched her tongue to her upper lip. I wondered if the pressure of the situation was getting to her. Because her vocal to that point had been just a wee bit off. I should have known better. She was simply summoning strength for a big, amazing conclusion to her cover of Heart’s “Alone.” Jacquie is simply a great live performer. She lands here because my hunch is her ballad will top Lila’s up-tempo performance.

4. Lila Forde, 24, Seattle, Wash. (Team Legend) (5): Lila has been superb vocally the past two weeks. But for all Reba’s talk about her ability to touch fans’ hearts, I’ve actually been hoping for even more emotional performances, ones I’d want to watch over and over again because they’re so touching. Another factor that could work against Lila this week: She’ll have more trouble standing out. That’s because this week it won’t just be her against the belters; everyone in the finals will be performing a ballad.

5. Ruby Leigh, 16, Foley, Missouri (Team Reba) (4): Given Voice fans’ support for young singers and country singers, I wouldn’t rule out a Ruby win. I’m hoping she returns to form this week because she was simply superb in the pre-taped shows. But her live performances, quite frankly, have not been worthy of a spot in the finals. Here’s betting the teen rises to the occasion and demonstrates why she has such an avid fan base.

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  1. emily lightsey December 17, 2023 at 4:37 pm -  Reply

    All of the top 5 are good but my ranking winner Huntley 2nd Mara 3,ruby 4 Jackie, 5 LILA

  2. Vicky December 18, 2023 at 12:29 am -  Reply

    I’ve got Huntley for the win, Ruby in second, Jacquie third and whatever happens after that

  3. Vincent December 18, 2023 at 6:47 am -  Reply

    They are all good. But Mara Justine is just Captivating and covers all the bases. I believe she will be the next winner of the voice.

  4. Ashley farrow December 18, 2023 at 9:03 am -  Reply

    Ruby 1st
    Jackie 2nd
    Lila 3
    Huntley 4th
    Mara 5th

    They are all really great they all are goig to have careers

    • Traci December 18, 2023 at 11:09 pm -  Reply


  5. Lynda December 18, 2023 at 10:03 am -  Reply

    Huntley to win then 2nd Jackie,3rd Mara,4th Lila,5th Ruby

  6. Linda December 18, 2023 at 4:13 pm -  Reply

    Huntley for the win

  7. mjm December 18, 2023 at 4:55 pm -  Reply

    Ruby and Huntley are neck and neck for the win. Ruby needs to step up her game; I think she has the goods, but needs the correct song choices. I think Mara will be 3rd, Lila 4th and Jackie 5th.

  8. Debra Soldi December 18, 2023 at 5:48 pm -  Reply

    1. Ruby Leigh
    2. Huntley
    3. Jacqui
    4. Mara
    5. Lila

  9. bobbi hartman December 18, 2023 at 7:37 pm -  Reply

    Huntley #1 Mara#2 Lila I do not see how she made the finales u can’t understand what she is saying and she is too slow I could go to sleep

  10. sam December 19, 2023 at 3:28 am -  Reply

    wow… yes Mara,,, for her age, omg, she owns that stage, her voice with the little bit of raspe, her facial expressions, her body movements, She is outstanding!!!!

  11. sam shock December 19, 2023 at 3:29 am -  Reply

    wow… yes Mara,,, for her age, omg, she owns that stage, her voice with the little bit of rasp, her facial expressions, her body movements, She is outstanding!!!!

  12. Cindi Wilmeth December 19, 2023 at 3:48 am -  Reply

    We want Jacquie Roar to win or Huntley.
    Others are good but not our favorites..
    This year has been a real treat as it’s our first year watching.. we will definitely watch this again.
    I hope that they are all successful with their careers.

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