Season 13

Idol voters oust M.K. Nobilette; just nine remain


Hey, did you notice what was missing during last night’s episode of American Idol?

Those in-show results Ryan Seacrest had been touting the last two weeks.

Jennifer Lopez greets the crowd at American Idol. (FOX Photo)

Jennifer Lopez greets the crowd at American Idol. (FOX Photo)

I’m not sure why they were missing. With two hours to show just 10 performances, Idol had plenty of airtime.

Maybe they’ve given up on that little experiment.

I wasn’t very fond of it anyway. It encouraged folks at home to vote before performances had even taken place.

And the contestants paid little attention to it. Or so said Ben Briley during his exit interview last week.

“That doesn’t really affect any of us, because when you think about it, when people vote in, they have more time to vote in for the people that went first than they do the people that went last,” he said.

Which might have meant lots of early votes for M.K. Nobilette, who went first last night. Which might have prompted me to throw something at my TV.

So, thanks, Idol, for not showing those results.

Anyway, I’m holding out hope that M.K.’s Idol “journey” ends tonight. I gave her a big fat F for last night’s effort, one of the all-time worst on the Idol stage. I probably should have given her a G. It was that off-the-charts bad.

And, boy, am I prepared for tonight’s show. I even have my own entertainment planned for when Jennifer Lopez and someone or some group named Royal Teeth take the stage.

Jennifer Lopez takes the stage to sing her new song. She seems to think she’s 15 again.

The only note of interest: Her background singers include Pia Toscano, Allison Iraheta and Jessica Sanchez.

If you’d like to hear a better song, head here to check out Didi Benami’s new video: She battles her evil twin in “Trouble.”

Next up — Royal Teeth. With an OK song, I suppose.

But I can do much better. Head here to listen to Lee DeWyze sing “Fight” and watch a new video sure to make you smile.

And the results begin …

Advancing …
Jess Meuse: Idol had better keep her around. She’s one of the absolute top singers in Season 13
Malaya Watson: I still think she’s been plucked from obscurity a year or two too soon
Caleb Johnson: Keith’s description of Caleb’s performance — lumbering — was the best, but he’s another singer Idol can’t afford to lose
Alex Preston: He turned in his best performance yet last night. Voters recognized it
Jena Irene: This young lady is a potential winner of Season 13.
Sam Woolf: And he avoids the bottom three after landing there last week.
C.J. Harris: Wow, he should consider himself very, very lucky.

In the bottom three …
Dexter Roberts: Wow, congrats fans. He belonged in a stool after that rather lame performance of “Cruise.”
Majesty Rose: Not sure she deserves to be in the bottom three this week, but I predicted she’d land there.
M.K. Nobilette: A well-deserved fate. We’re one step closer to what should happen tonight.

And the low vote-getter is …
M.K. Nobilette

She’ll sing for the save. M.K. is visibly upset and heads over to check with the band. And she’s actually turning in one of her better vocals.

Now, that doesn’t mean great by any means.

But she’s remembering the words to “All of You.” And most of the song is on pitch.

As she sings, the judges are engaged in a seemingly serious discussion over whether to save M.K., which is pretty silly after last night.

They wouldn’t, would they? But, I mean, Jennifer is in tears.

And the judges make the right decision and do not save M.K.


And Idol’s Top 10 becomes a Top 9.

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