The Voice

The Voice plans another finale worth boycotting


Girl Named Tom, Season 21 winners of The Voice, has a Christmas album out featuring four original songs

Girl Named Tom, Season 21 winners of The Voice, has a Christmas album out featuring four original songs.

The Voice has announced the “superstar” lineup for its Season 22 finale.

Note that the show will run from 9 to 11 p.m. rather than in the show’s typical 8 to 10 p.m. time slot.

But in truth, only the last 10 minutes will be worth watching as Carson Daly announces a winner and shoves a trophy into his or her hands as the credits roll.

Personally, I so loathe what The Voice has done with its finale that I will boycott all but the ending.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll watch a comedy Spaghetti Western comedy. Maybe one that’s only available on YouTube and only in Italian.

There are a few of those that I need to add to my other blog,

I’m not fond of Spaghetti Western comedies. And I don’t speak Italian.

But it’d still be preferable to another tedious Voice finale.

Once upon a time on The Voice, the finale seemed like a celebration of the season just completed.

Back then, all of the contestants from the semifinals returned and took the stage at least once.

Finalists got to perform multiple times, including once with a hand-picked group of their best friends from the show.

Sometimes, they even teamed up with a celebrity idol for a special duet.

No longer.

These days, the finale amounts to a string of award show style performance, many by artists with absolutely no connection to the show.

The finalists seem like an afterthought, though each does get to take the stage once for a duet with his or her coach.

Also performing Tuesday night will be Kelly Clarkson, Kane Brown (with Blake Shelton), Adam Lambert (yep, of American Idol fame), Maluma, OneRepublic, Breland and Girl Named Tom.

Now, kudos to The Voice for including Girl Named Tom, the Season 21 champs. Bekah, Joshua, and Caleb Liechty recently released a Christmas EP out. I’d encourage everyone to check out their new music.

But what the hell is The Voice doing helping Kane Brown, Adam Lambert, Maluma, OneRepublic and Breland sell music?

Especially when so many of the show’s own talented former contestants are releasing great new music and much more deserving of support from The Voice?

Star-studded lineup?

Call me unimpressed.

And disappointed.

And infuriated.

That season after season, The Voice can’t — and simply refuses to — do better.

If form holds, there won’t even be any time for fans to celebrate the winner’s success. Or for the new champ to sing a victory song.

With the seconds ticking down, Carson will announce the winner, confetti will fall and the credits will roll.

And another poorly produced season of The Voice will come to a close.

See also …
Ranking the Top 5 on The Voice

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  1. Marne December 13, 2022 at 10:52 am -  Reply

    The voice is soooooo racist. Boycott it

    • Sharon December 15, 2022 at 7:18 pm -  Reply

      The Voice isn’t racist, the public that votes is racist. So many talented black singers and they can’t seem to win though they have the best voices.

  2. TiredofTripe December 13, 2022 at 11:19 am -  Reply

    Totally in agreement. Their families used to be in the audience. They used to get a car and make a fun video. All gone.

    It is professional malpractice.

  3. Mary Lou Miller December 13, 2022 at 7:20 pm -  Reply

    I totally agree with Kelly Clarkson gone and now Blake is leaving John this leaving why even bother to continue with the show I don’t care for Gwen and I don’t care for the other judge whatever coach I don’t need Camila whatever her name is plus I can’t see it anyway I don’t stream the show so I only get clips of it anyway Megan miles is my choice oh she wins

  4. Cliff December 15, 2022 at 12:54 pm -  Reply

    The Voice should be changed to the Blake Sheldon show. Who ever Blake tells his following to vote for is who they vote for. The show itself is all about the 4 judges telling scripted jokes. I live Idol and AGT. But the Voice is like watching grass grow

  5. Audrey Brand December 16, 2022 at 9:00 am -  Reply

    Bring back John Blake Kelly and the way it used to be run. Not fair to all the other clients on the Voice to have outsiders come in which many of them I don’t care for at all.

  6. Witl December 16, 2022 at 12:51 pm -  Reply

    The voice will not be worth watching
    Now that Blake is gone. Just an entertainment show. The winners never go anywhere. We need to go on with our life and forget it.

  7. Jack Livingston December 16, 2022 at 3:21 pm -  Reply

    I told my wife I was betting that one of Blake’s team would win so Blake could go out with a win. As much as I like country, there is no way Leatherwood is better than Cordoza. If Omar had been on Blake’s team, he would have won. The show has absolutley no credibility. We won’t be watching future seasons.

  8. Jack Livingston December 16, 2022 at 3:21 pm -  Reply

    I told my wife I was betting that one of Blake’s team would win so Blake could go out with a win. As much as I like country, there is no way Leatherwood is better than Cordoza. If Omar had been on Blake’s team, he would have won. The show has absolutely no credibility. We won’t be watching future seasons.

  9. Lx December 17, 2022 at 3:06 pm -  Reply

    I am not wasting my time watching any longer, this should not be called “The Voice” because the best was not the winner, so call it what it is “The Most Votes” this last series had some of the best singers and performances ever excluding the winner. a Girl Named Tom are fantastic and deserving the title “The Voice” Am I the only one who had this reaction to a show I used to really enjoy hearing new talent that would rise to the top only to be eliminated.
    Good luck to those who proved themselves to be called “The Voice” we know and you who you are.

  10. Padre December 17, 2022 at 3:53 pm -  Reply

    Having a background with my voice. I have fun rating the performances. Yes I’m biased based on my training. Regardless this has been fun. I would say I’ve been lucky in my projections the entire season. While very talented I can’t see the elimination of Justin. Kim I understood even though her voice was amazing. Just not the entire package. Go ahead and bash me on that statement. But I relate it to my understanding of the entire package. For me the pure voice was Omar. His consistency of color, placement, and projection was amazing. His song choice, well that’s my weak spot for him. To try to do a Michael Jackson song in the manner in which he did? That being my position, I also felt that Bryce would be the most likely winner if the country connection came thru. Morgan was not a fav from the beginning but as time went on her coaching, vocal development pertaining to placement resonance and color or quality improved significantly. Probably the most improved thru the season. I think her “TV” coach actually said things to make some people that may have opted/voted for her upset. Just my take on Camilla. We anyhow, just my take on things in whole. At the end I was surprised of the flip in position of Omar And Bryce in talent or voice rankings, by my system of appreciation. Stage presence is also interesting but that is ie typical of country appreciation that Bryce displayed. Morgan’s really so good with her Stage presence, but again not appreciated in that genre so much. Not yet anyhow. But so talented in her display of emotions and vocal edge at times. Well enough of my ranting. I will watch again. I think the coaches thru the season made good choices. It’s interesting to see how Blake takes gambles on what he thinks the other coaches will do with his choices.

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