The Voice

The Voice voters select a Top 8 for Season 8; Joshua Davis gets save

DeAnna Johnson got the instant save last week on The Voice and might need another to advance to the Top 8.  (NBC Photo)

DeAnna Johnson got the instant save last week on The Voice and might need another to advance to the Top 8. (NBC Photo)

Just two Voice artists cracked the Top 10 on iTunes this week.

But all 10 landed in the Top 100 on the singles chart, and Koryn Hawthorne and Sawyer Fredericks landed at number one on the pop and rock charts, respectively.

Speaking of Koryn, we now have to consider her a contender for a spot in the finals alongside teammate Sawyer Fredericks, who’s almost sure to make it.

Meghan Linsey and Kimberly Nichole, meanwhile, didn’t fare as well on the charts as a week ago, when they were in the Top 10.

But if I had to pick a final four right now, they’d be contending for the Season 8 title alonside Koryn and Sawyer.

Meanwhile, could Team Adam Levine be in danger of extinction tonight.

Well, Joshua Davis landed at number eight among Voice artists on iTunes today and DeAnna Johnson landed at number 10.

If voting follows those trends, both will be singing for the instant save at the close of tonight’s show.

For how all the artists fared on iTunes when voting closed at noon, head here.

And for last night’s song by song grades, head here.

And singers advancing to the Top 8 include …

* Koryn Hawthorne (Team Pharrell) — Well, she did top all artists on iTunes, and became the first to top Sawyer Fredericks on the singles chart
* Corey Kent White (Team Blake) — He was not especially impressive last night, but The Voice country vote comes through again.
* Sawyer Fredericks (Team Pharrell) — That was a given.
* India Carney (Team Christina): She’s one of the best singers remaining and closed last night’s show strong.
* Meghan Linsey (Team Blake): Well deserved. She turned in another splendid performance Monday.
* Kimberly Nichole (Team Christina): OK, all last night’s standouts are safe. Well done, voters.
* Hannah Kirby (Team Blake): She’s the last contestant safe for sure, and all three Team Blake members advance.

Rob Taylor (Team Christina): He’ll sing “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay.” My suggestion for Rob — a few fewer frills might be nice. But that’s not going to happen. Nope, it sure isn’t. Rob turns in a solid performance, if you like runs at the end of every line. When they announced that song choice, I thought for sure Joshua will be singing it. Grade: B–

DeAnna Johnson (Team Adam): She’s decided to sing “Help Me Make It Through the Night.” Hey, an appropriate song title, and a very, very nice heartfelt vocal from DeAnna. She put her unique tone to the best use there. Can she earn an instant save two weeks in a row? Grade: B+

Joshua Davis (Team Adam): He’s going to sing Tom Petty’s “I Won’t Back Down.” Hey, Joshua’s voice sounds strong from the opening note tonight, which hasn’t been the case in his last two performance. This is going to be a solid performance, but can Joshua deliver something that makes it stand out? It really isn’t a very demanding song vocally. Grade: B

And the save goes to Joshua Davis by, apparently, a pretty wide margin.

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