After The Voice

Xenia, Keegan Ferrell, Zach Seabaugh release music


Recent post-Voice releases include singles from Xenia, Keegan Ferrell and Zach Seabaugh. And Keegan gets a vocal assist from Anna Grace.

Here’s a bit more about each of those releases. The links take you to the songs on Apple Music.

Xenia from The Voice Season 1

Xenia from The Voice Season 1

Xenia from Season 1 has a lovely new single out called “Tennessee,” a song she dedicates to her father-in-law Donald Lee Willie, who died “very unexpectedly” earlier this year. Shares Xenia: “I wrote this song a couple of days later using the guitar he had recently acquired. I was thinking back to the time he helped my husband and I move to Tennessee. I wrote it from the perspective of my husband because of a conversation we had the day after he passed… And after a long journey (metaphorically and physically) he finally made it to a new place for a fresh start (TN). And my father in law, Don, was so proud. I remember him saying these exact words… ‘it’s beautiful here and I am so proud of you’ … He said that with tears in his eyes while we stood outside, trees surrounding us, and the sun shining just right. That’s how I will always remember him.” Check out the music video below. In addition to getting married since The Voice, Xenia has a nine-month old son.


Keegan Ferrell from The Voice Season 20

Keegan Ferrell from The Voice Season 20

Keegan Ferrell and Anna Grace Felton, both from Season 20, have teamed up to release a single called “NYC.” Keegan says the song was born in January when he, Anna, Ryan McSweeney and Aaron Kim were staying at his home, preparing to lead worship at a retreat and had some time to kill. They challenged themselves to write a song; this is the result. “We did this just for fun, but it turned out pretty cool, so we wanted to share,” writes Keegan, adding that Anna was his favorite voice of Season 20. Since The Voice, Keegan has also handled production for several releases by other contestants.


Zach Seabaugh from The Voice Season 9

Zach Seabaugh from The Voice Season 9

Zach Seabaugh from Season 9 has released “Thoughts,” a collaboration with Jaxson Free. “I wrote this song three years ago and I’m so pumped for you to have it,” Zach writes on social media.” Congrats also go out to Zach attaining his private pilot’s license this summer. The new song continues a string of collaborations for Zach, who released “Maybe in the Morning” with Anna Hamilton and “Slingshot” with Chance Pena earlier this year. He’ll also be embarking on the Let’s Go Somewhere tour with Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors this fall.

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