Season 11, Season 11 finals

Idol Top 5 results show: Skylar goes home


This week should have been so easy to figure out on American Idol.

Elise Testone, a pretty much permanent resident of Idol’s stools of danger, went home last Thursday.

Surely this week, it would be Hollie Cavanagh’s turn.

I mean, the little gal with the big voice from Texas by way of England had visited the bottom three four times in five weeks and somehow escaped.

Considering the talent left in the Top Five, how could she possibly hope to persevere again?

The spunky 18-year-old clearly had other plans, enjoying one of her best nights on Idol Wednesday.

She turned in two performances that not only earned rave reviews from the judges, but pretty much universally rave reviews from Idol watchers.  And that doesn’t happen too often.

The result:  Everyone is pretty much flummoxed on the question of who leaves Idol tonight.

You can check out the predictions here.  Eight sources, four different answers.  The only contestant not predicted for ouster by someone: Joshua Ledet.

Wow, wasting no time.  Results already.

Joshua Ledet:   High praise last night.  Steven called him one of the top two Idols of all-time.  Jennifer called him one of the best singers in the last 50 years.  Probably overstated, but he was good last night.  Jimmy says his performance of “To Love Somebody” was the performance of the season on American Idol.  “This kid deserves greatness,” Jimmy says.  And he thought his first performance was “fantastic” too.  And, no surprise, Joshua is safe.

Musical interlude — Coldplay.  Once again, I’d rather see a former Idol.  Oh, well. I guess there aren’t enough Idols with new music out.  LOL.

Hollie Cavanagh:   Jimmy said it was a critical week for Hollie.  He says she pulled off “River Deep, Mountain High.”  He says it was her most believable performance.  “Bleeding Love” wasn’t magical, but it was competent.  And Jimmy thinks she’s safe.  Hollie is in the bottom two.

Phillip Phillips:  Jimmy says Phillip should be commended for continuing on in spite of his medical problems.  He said he picked bland songs, is coasting and needs to pick it up.  He says he should be in the bottom two, but probably won’t be.  Phillip is safe.

Well, there’s no justice in that outcome.

Carrie time, singing “Blown Away.”  This is a great song.  And the album version sounds better than that.  Here’s a link to what critics are saying about Carrie’s album.  Here’s a link to her tour dates.

Skylar Laine:  Jimmy says Skylar is a fighter and has great energy.  He liked her first performance; he wasn’t thrilled with her second performance.  He says Skylar needs to find a crushing song that wins the night, and hasn’t done that recently.  Skylar is in the bottom two.

Jessica Sanchez:   Jimmy says Jessica singing “You Are So Beautiful” was just that, “magnificent.”  Jimmy says she’s technically the best singer in the competition. He wasn’t thrilled with her version of “Proud Mary” and thought it was too mature.  He predicts it will hurt her.  It doesn’t.  Jessica is safe.

And here we go, does Hollie or Skylar head home tonight?

And Skylar goes home.  Hollie is safe for another week.

Hate to see either one of them go, but after last night that was the fairer result.


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