Nicholas David, Season 3, The Voice

Meet Nicholas David of Team Cee Lo on The Voice


Nicholas David says he used to be a member of an outlaw country band, and the 31-year-old from Eagan, Minn., looks the part.

Problem was, the band, which he joined after college, was known for its drinking ability.

Nicholas admits he “was partying and partying and drinking and drinking and kinda lost.” His weight ballooned to more than 300 pounds at what he calls the low point in his life.

Then he met his future wife, shed the weight and the booze. And, in the process, he said he rediscovered his voice.

Now he’s hoping The Voice will help him share his “message of healing and hope with a larger audience.”

He performed “Stand By Me” for his audition, sporting an oddly matching jacket and pants and a scruffy red beard.

But none of that mattered since these auditions are blind, and Cee Lo Green was clearly impressed by the soulfulness in his voice. Christina complimented David for having a distinctive sound.

Cee Lo wound up being the only judge to spin his chair around, but that was good enough to earn Nicholas a spot on the show.

What the show didn’t show: Head to his website, and you’ll learn that Nicholas David is this performer’s first and middle names. His last name is Mrozinski and he has released four albums and an EP to iTunes as Nicholas Mrozinski. The first is an acoustic album, “Four Legged Light,” that came out in 2004. The most recent is a five-track EP released with David Nau in February 2011. He also has tunes on a pair of Minnesota Beatle Project CDs, created to raise money for music and art programs in Minnesota public schools. And, according to the Star Tribune, he’s a regular at a club called the Cabooze along with two former Voice auditioners, Jordis Unga and Tim Mahoney.

Update: Only Cee Lo spun his chair for Nicholas’ blind audition performance of “Stand by Me,” but Cee Lo has been standing by Nicholas ever since. He was paired against another veteran musician in the battle round and bested Todd Kessler when they performed “She’s Gone.” For the knockout round, Cee Lo picked him over Mycle Wastman after Nicholas performed “Put Your Records On.” And the pubic rallied around Nicholas in the live playoffs, sending him to the Top 12 after he performed “My Everything.” He sang “Power of Love” on Top 12 night and laned at 77 on the iTunes singles chart the next day, sixth best among Voice performances from that night.

Editor’s Note: Check back here for live blogs throughout the finals on The Voice.

Nicholas David performs “What’s This” from his 2009 CD, “Together We’re Stronger”

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  1. Prootwadl September 22, 2012 at 8:14 am -  Reply

    For what it’s worth, the town is spelled “Eagan”. 🙂 It’s a south-central suburb of the Twin Cities.

    • Mark Franklin September 22, 2012 at 3:47 pm -  Reply

      Thanks for the correction.

  2. Prootwadl September 22, 2012 at 8:14 am -  Reply

    For what it’s worth, the town is spelled “Eagan”. 🙂 It’s a south-central suburb of the Twin Cities.

    • Mark Franklin September 22, 2012 at 3:47 pm -  Reply

      Thanks for the correction.

  3. Susan October 16, 2012 at 7:20 pm -  Reply

    Nicholas. Wow. You are far beyond the talent on The Voice. Press on, man, press on. commin at you from albuquerque, NM. we hear ya, man. we hear ya. and wanna hear more.

  4. Susan October 16, 2012 at 7:20 pm -  Reply

    Nicholas. Wow. You are far beyond the talent on The Voice. Press on, man, press on. commin at you from albuquerque, NM. we hear ya, man. we hear ya. and wanna hear more.

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