The Voice

The Voice reveals the rest of the battle round pairings


Kelly Clarkson and Thomas Rhett do some battle round coaching on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

Kelly Clarkson and Thomas Rhett do some battle round coaching on The Voice. (NBC Photo)

The battle rounds began Monday night on The Voice and continue tonight.

Meanwhile, through a series of videos posted following Monday’s show, The Voice revealed the pairings for the remainder of the battles.

Here’s a rundown of who’s going to face off with who. Following the links will take you to a bio of each contestant, complete with information about music they’ve already released.

Team Adam Levine

Deandre Nico vs. Funsho
Already aired: Anthony Arya vs. Steve Memmolo (Steve won the battle, Anthony was stolen by Jennifer Hudson)
Already aired: Jarred Matthew vs. Tyke James (Tyke won the battle; Jarred was eliminated)
Already airedJake Wells vs. Natalie Brady (Jake advanced, Natalie was eliminated)
Already airedReagan Strange vs. Emily Hough (Reagan advanced, Emily was eliminated)
Already airedFoushee vs. Radha (Radha advanced, Foushee was eliminated)

Team Blake Shelton

Caeland Garner vs. Kirk Jay
Kameron Marlowe vs. Kayley Hill
Already airedDave Fenley vs. Keith Paluso (Dave advanced, Keith was stolen by Adam)
Already aired: Michael Lee vs. Joey Green (Michael prevailed; Joey was eliminated)
Already airedKatrina Cain vs. Rachel Messer (Katrina won the battle; Rachel was eliminated)
Already airedChris Kroeze vs. Mercedes Ferreira-Dias (Chris won the battle; Mercedes was eliminated)

Team Jennifer Hudson

Kennedy Holmes vs Lela
Already airedMatt Johnson vs Franc West (Franc advanced, Matt was eliminated)
Already aired Tyshawn Colquitt vs Zaxai (Tyshawn advanced; Zaxai was stolen by Kelly)
Already airedAudri Bartholomew vs Makenzie Thomas (MaKenzie advanced, Audri was eliminated)
Already aired: Patrique Fortson vs Colton Smith (Patrique advanced on Team Jennifer; Colton was stolen by Blake Shelton)
Already airedNatasia Greycloud vs Mike Parker (Michael won the battle; Nastasia was stolen by Kelly Clarkson)

Team Kelly Clarkson

Erika Zade vs. Sarah Grace
Claire DeJean vs. Josh Davis
Already airedDelaney Silvernell vs. Abby Cates (Abby advanced, Delaney was stolen by Adam)
Already airedMikele Buck vs Chevel Shepherd (Chevel advanced, Mikele was eliminated)
Already aired: Sandy Redd vs. Cody Ray Raymond (Cody Ray advanced for Team Kelly; Sandy was stolen by Jennifer Hudson)
Already aired: OneUp vs. Kymberli Joye (Kymberli won the battle; OneUp was eliminated)

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