American Idol

Julia Gagnon scores most popular audition on American Idol

Julia Gagnon performs during Hollywood Week on American Idol. (ABC Photo)

Julia Gagnon performs during Hollywood Week on American Idol. (ABC Photo)


Platinum ticket recipient Julia Gagnon scored the most popular audition on American Idol Sunday.

That’s based on YouTube views of the eight auditions the show posted.

Julia closed out the fifth and final audition episode with an impressive rendition of Aretha Franklin’s “Ain’t No Way.”

The judges were so impressed, they followed Julia out of the audition room and exchanged her golden ticket for a platinum one.

That means she’ll skip Hollywood Week and advance straight to the Showcase round along with the other two platinum ticket recipients, Abi Carton and Odell Bunton.

No one else featured in Sunday’s episode came close to 1 million views. Jordan Anthony, a former finalist on The Voice Australia ranked second in views with about 414,000 as of Friday evening.

And no one in Season 22 has gone viral the way Iam Tongi did a year ago. His audition video has now been viewed 26 mllion times.

The most views on a Season 22 audition video?

Both Abi and Emmy Russell are approaching 3 million. So is McKenna Breinholt, if you combine views on the two versions of her auditions American Idol has posted.

Idol will air Hollywood Week in a single episode this season, at 8 p.m. Sunday.

The showcase round and the selection of a Top 24 will air Monday night at 8 p.m.

Next week, fan voting begins with half of the Top 24 performing Sunday night and half performing Monday night.

Idol Chatter will be blogging both shows live with song by song grades.

Here are YouTube view totals for audition videos from Sunday’s show. Links take you to a profile of each singer.

Julia Gagnon – 965,143
Jordan Anthony, 414,083
Camila Galavis, 306,100
Jacy and Mia Matthews, 253,835
Jayna Elise, 251,352
Cate Gartner, 213,764
Bethany Teague – 211,645
Isaiah Case — 157,306

See also …
Most popular auditions from Week 1
Most popular auditions from Week 2
Most popular auditions from Week 3
Most popular auditions from Week 4

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