Aubrey Cleland, Season 11

Meet American Idol contestant Aubrey Cleland


One of the talented teens we didn’t get to meet in the Portland audition episode of American Idol was Aubrey Cleland of Westfield, Oregon, 18 at the time of the Idol tryouts.

Aubrey also made Hollywood in Season 10 and said that’s what inspired her to come back — to prove to herself and the judges that she could go farther.

She’s not a stranger to competition or the limelight.

In 2009, she made the top 12 of the Portland Idol competition at the tender age of 15.

A year earlier, she and her mom Renee won a Family Circle Magazine’s nationwide Mother-Daughter Model Search that drew 2,300 entries.  Mom, by the way, was Miss Oregon in 1983.

Aubrey attended Jesuit High School and was on a mission trip in Mexico with her church when she received word of the model search honors.

She says she first performed in front of an audience at a opera hall in downtown Portland, and one of the videos below shows her singing with the Pacific Crest Orchestra.

In her golden ticket interview, Aubrey says she tries to be a “very optimistic” person and believes in living “every moment to the fullest; you’ll never get that moment back.”

As for Idol …

“I have wanted this since I was 8 years old and the first show aired,” she says.

Now, for Aubrey singing …

“Beautiful Disaster”

“I Didn’t Know About You” with the Pacific Crest Orchestra

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