The Voice

Song by song playoff grades for Team Legend


At least two singers from Team John Legend will advance on The Voice this week.

One will advance based on fan voting following Monday’s show. One will advance via John’s save on Tuesday.

Here’s a look at his team’s performances from Monday night.

Bailey Rae, “Sweet Music Man” by Kenny Rogers — Did I hear right? This song was Kelly’s suggestion. It was certainly a classic country sound that Bailey Rae served up, unusual coming from a member of Team Legend. I might have liked it more if Bailey had served up just a little more emotion and tried a little less for force big vocal moments. Grade: B–

Chloe Hogan, “My Future” by Billie Eilish — Chloe demonstrated stage presence, confidence and served up a very nice vocal. But The Voice is a show that rewards heart-tugging ballads or bombastic vocal moments. With the exception of a nice glory note near the end, this was a performance devoid of those moments. Grade: B

John Holiday, “Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra — I’ve written previously that it seems like John is The Chosen One in Season 19; he’s a countertenor, meaning he has rare range for a male. The fact that he just got the pimp spot on the show for the second straight week pretty much proves my point about producers’ opinion on the matter. My opinion:
Far from my favorite cover of “Fly Me to the Moon” and four performance in, John still needs to convince me he belongs in the running for the Season 19 crown. Grade: B

Tamara Jade, “Crazy” by Gnarls Barkley — From the first line, there was no doubt in my mind, this performance and this vocal would be fire. And Tamara didn’t disappoint. She even punctuated the performance with a maniacal little laugh. In between, she served up everything you’d want in a singing show cover from a singer who looks to be finals bound. Grade: A

Who deserves to advance? Tamara and John (by a whisker)

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